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Roundtable CFP: Representing Disability in Literature, Film, and Television in Hispanic Cultures

Roundtable at Northeast Modern Languages Association (NeMLA) 2023. This roundtable invites proposals that examine representations of disability in literature, film, and television in Hispanic cultures. We encourage submissions that analyze cultural products that problematize discourses and depictions of disability, aimed at reinforcing or disrupting ablenationalist cultural practices and social dynamics. Of particular interest are contributions…

CFP: Dealing with Trauma in Early Modern France

For panel at the Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA). From ancient Greek τραύμα (meaning “wound, damage”), the term trauma refers to a physical or psychological injury provoked by a violent event, and the very event causing this great distress. Traumatic events abound in early modern France, whether be caused by natural catastrophes (floods, storms, fires, harsh winter,…