CFP: Black Disability Studies Conference

In association with the Carter G. Woodson Institute for African American and African Studies and the University of Virginia, we invite abstracts for a conference on “Black Disability Studies” to be hosted at the Carter G. Woodson Institute on the grounds of the University of Virginia. The event will be fully hybrid. Conference papers have…

CFP: Creativity, Care, and Communities: Making Visible Connections (Dress and Body Association)

The Dress and Body Association invites submissions for the organization’s fifth annual conference, which will be held on November 2-3, 2024. Consistent with our long-term goals for inclusivity and sustainability, all activities will be 100% online, including keynote speaker(s), research presentations, and opportunities for virtual networking. Visit the DBA website——to learn more about this organization…

CFP: Speaking the Unspeakable: Representing Trauma

deadline for submissions: April 30, 2024 full name / name of organization:  Allie Wood Reichert / PAMLA contact email: The representation of traumatic experience is a fraught conversation in literary and media studies. Cathy Caruth famously argued for the “unspeakability” of trauma; other scholars such as Naomi Mandel argue that emphasizing the limits of…

CFP: Narratives of Disease in Literature and Culture

DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH STUDIES FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF NOVI SAD is happy to announce THE 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND ANGLOPHONE LITERATURES TODAY (ELALT 7)  Celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad and of the English Department October 26-27, 2024 The conference will be held ONLINE and…

CFP: Body Matters!: Disability in English Literature to 1800

deadline for submissions: November 17, 2023 December 1, 2023 full name / name of organization: University of California – Santa Barbara (Early Modern Center) contact email: The Early Modern Center at the University of California, Santa Barbara, invites paper proposals for its 2024 conference, “Body Matters!: Disability in English Literature to 1800,” to be…

CFP: Reimagining Premodern Disability: Excess, Surplus, Gain at NEMLA

deadline for submissions:  September 30, 2023 full name / name of organization:  NEMLA contact email: This panel puts forward premodern disability as enhancement, surplus, or even reward, drawing from the concept of “disability gain,” coined by Rosemarie Garland-Thomson (Fox, Krings, Vierke, 2019), to reformulate disability as gain, instead of loss, or as a resource.…

CFP: Disability Studies in Dramatic Texts and Performance

Papers are sought for a special panel series on the subject of disability studies in dramatic texts and performance. We invite research on representation, imagery, symbolism, societal regulation, social impact, or the construction of disability as it pertains to casting and depictions of those with disabilities in playtexts and dramatic performance. Papers should be 15…

Application Deadline: Disability History Graduate Writing Workshop

The Disability History Association is seeking applications for our annual Disability History Graduate Writing Workshop (DHGWW). This workshop series is designed to support graduate students working on disability history and foster community in the field. The workshop provides participants with valuable feedback on their writing while also offering them a glimpse into the future directions…

Online Conference on Histories of Disability and Emotions

The history of disability and the history of emotions are now two well established fields. Historians of disabilities have often referred to and included emotions in their historical narratives. Examples of these are the existing histories related to the instrumental place occupied by pity in telethons, the tangible presence of rage and anger in histories…