Call for Applicants: Disability History Association Conference Award

The Disability History Association invites applications for the Fall 2020 Conference Award. This award is intended to help cover costs for conferences attended between October 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021. Eligibility: This award is open to graduate students and contingent faculty, as well as underemployed, unemployed, or community-based scholars and artists. The DHA is particularly interested in…

2021 MLA Annual Convention

The 2021 MLA Annual Convention takes place from 7 to 10 January 2021, with preconvention workshops on 6 January. Registration is required. For details on panels with connections to premodern disability studies, see our conference guide.

SAA 49th Annual Meeting

Click here for the Premodern Disability conference guide. The Shakespeare Association of America will hold its 49th Annual Meeting virtually. The conference dates are March 31-April 3, 2021. This event will be updated when the SAA January Bulletin is released.