New Research and Performance Directions in Premodern Disability Studies


An Emory University and Folger Institute partnered program, with the support of Georgia Humanities March 04 – 06, 2021 (via Zoom) REGISTRATION REQUIRED BY FEBRUARY 15 Centering intersectional approaches, public humanities, and activist performance, this virtual seminar welcomes teacher-scholars, practitioners working on disability studies in the premodern period, and the interested public. Come learn from…

Seminar: Re-thinking the life of court dwarfs in early modern Italy: the case of Pietro Barbino at the Medici court in Florence

Online- via Zoom Speaker: Sarah McBryde (Independent Researcher, London) Event dates: 24 April 2023, 5:30PM - 7:00PM Please note that registration for this seminar will close 24 hours in advance. Details about how to join the seminar will be circulated via email to registered attendees 24 hours in advance. All welcome: This event is free,…

Seminar: On Display: Disability, (In)visibility, and Public Space in Early Modern Venice

Charitable institutions have long been a focus of civic and scholarly attention in the history of early modern Venice. Indeed, charity is often portrayed as being dependent on a division between benefactor and benefitted, with the latter seen as passive and lower in status. Much less studied are organizations such as the Confraternity of the…

Webinar: Experiences of War, Injury, and (Chronic) Pain (15th-16th centuries)

February 1, 2024 – Bianca FROHNE (Kiel University, Germany) – „What pain I suffered during that time, anyone can well imagine…“ Experiences of War, Injury, and (Chronic) Pain (15th-16th centuries). In this paper I will discuss (chronic) pain experiences in the later Middle Ages from disability studies and crip perspectives, focusing on pain narratives in…

Seminar: Managing Mental Health Emergencies in Early Modern England

Today, words like ‘frantic’ and ‘frenzy’ are the stuff of hyperbolic newspaper headlines. Five hundred years ago, they described someone who was judged to be suffering from an episode of severe mental illness. Among frenzy’s hallmark symptoms were sudden, uncharacteristic changes in mood and behaviour; ‘those that be frantic… rage furiously, so that they cannot…

Seminar: “Medical writer’s quibbles about genitourinary patients in early modern England”

8th February 2024 – Dr Jennifer Evans (University of Hertfordshire) – Registration details to follow. TITLE: ‘‘He was ashamed to let me know of it, and thought to have got cured otherwise without my knowledge’: Medical writer’s quibbles about genitourinary patients in early modern England.’ ABSTRACT: This seminar considers the extent to which disorders affecting…

Webinar: Traumatic Repercussions: Warfare and Disability in the French Countryside

March 7, 2024  – Sasha PFAU (Hendrix College, Arkansas, USA) – Traumatic Repercussions: Warfare and Disability in the French Countryside. In four letters of remission from 1424, some residents of a town in the diocese of Bayeux explained to the English government of France how they had banded together to attack two English men in…

Application Deadline: Summer Seminar on Disability Histories in the Visual Archive

Sunday, June 9 - Friday, June 14, 2024 Led by Laurel Daen and Jennifer Van Horn The 2024 Center for Historic American Visual Culture (CHAViC) summer seminar will focus on the visual and material cultures of disability in eighteenth and nineteenth-century North America. Participants will hone their skills in visual and material culture analysis, learn…

“Strange Letters to the Queen”: Mental and Emotional Distress in the Elizabethan State Papers

This paper uses a collection of highly unusual letters from the Elizabethan State Papers, whose authors are described as ‘crazy’, ‘distracted’, and ‘insane’, to explore the epistolary construction and expression of mental and emotional distress in late-sixteenth-century England. It begins by reflecting briefly on the tricky methodological problems inherent in such an enterprise: the uncertain…

Application Deadline: Dissertation Seminar: Disability as Method: Crippling the Archive

Led by Jason Farr (Marquette University) and Elizabeth Bearden (University of Wisconsin-Madison). Four meetings across the academic year on Fridays: September 27, 2024; November 1, 2024; February 7, 2025; and April 25, 2025, from 9:30 AM-12:30 PM Central Time In-person at the Newberry APPLICATION DEADLINE: MAY 15, 2024 This seminar aims to assist graduate students…

3D-Printed Prostheses and Early Modern Iron Hands

Heidi Hausse and Chad Rose of Auburn will present “3D-Printed Prostheses and Early Modern Iron Hands: A Method to Investigate the Lived Experiences of Amputees in the Pre-Modern World” There will be a pre-circulated paper. Location: East Baltimore Campus, Welch Library, Room 303