CFP: Dealing with Trauma in Early Modern France

For panel at the Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA). From ancient Greek τραύμα (meaning “wound, damage”), the term trauma refers to a physical or psychological injury provoked by a violent event, and the very event causing this great distress. Traumatic events abound in early modern France, whether be caused by natural catastrophes (floods, storms, fires, harsh winter,…

CFP: Speaking the Unspeakable: Representing Trauma

deadline for submissions: April 30, 2024 full name / name of organization:  Allie Wood Reichert / PAMLA contact email: The representation of traumatic experience is a fraught conversation in literary and media studies. Cathy Caruth famously argued for the “unspeakability” of trauma; other scholars such as Naomi Mandel argue that emphasizing the limits of…